



1. Be polite to staff and students.

2. Be prepared with all materials needed each day.

3. No use of phones during class time.

4. No grooming during class time.

5. Be in assigned seat.

6. No food or drink allowed in class.

7. Follow directions promptly.


Repeated/ severe infractions will be sent to the office. ( Hitting  & Bullying will not be tolerated. This could result in suspension.)

When rules are followed students may receive points to add to a grade, thank you notes, treats, homework passes, etc.


Consequences of not choosing to follow the rules: Warning, phone call to a parent or guardian, detention ,trip to the office.

I will recognize students who choose responsible behavior.
Possible rewards are: a) 5 bonus points on test or quiz b) excused from one individual assignment c)  turn in assignment late for full credit or d) open book test e) treats, or other.